“80% of the population have Food Intolerances and of those, 50% do not associate their physical, emotional and mental well-being symptoms as being linked to FOOD INTOLERANCES”

Suffering from allergies, intolerances and asthma from a very early age, my own holistic journey started 14 years ago following a vestibular migraine.   After an MRI scan my neurologist suggested that I take anti-inflammatories to prevent further migraines – this advice led to an ulcer, inflammation, further IBS symptoms and even more food intolerances!  Then I was given proton pump inhibitors to deal with the symptoms – which caused more side effects! I did not want drugs to treat symptoms, I wanted solutions and a root cause – which I found!

The depth of my knowledge grew after spending thousands of hours researching and studying methods to heal my gut.  However, it wasn’t until I had my own Food Intolerance test that I could pinpoint the foods that were continuing to cause me so many debilitating symptoms. I could eventually identify the root cause.  I embarked on the 28-day elimination plan with amazing success – it was literally life changing!

So, after 25 years of working in the NHS I retrained to be a Nutritional Therapist specialising in Food Intolerances, Nutrition and Gut Health.  I hold a Diploma Level 4 in Diet and Nutrition, Diploma Level 5 in Gut-Brain Connection and Allergy Intolerance Therapy (DIP AIT). Lifelong study and research due to debilitating migraines, chronic digestion issues, food intolerances and allergies.

I also hold the ‘Confidence in Menopause’ qualification which was created to help healthcare professionals empower women with knowledge at this crucial time of their lives.

Many perimenopausal women come to me with new or increased allergies and intolerances, worsening or new digestion symptoms, skin problems and increased vasomotor symptoms – even after starting HRT.

All women should be able to access advice on how they optimise their menopause transition and the years beyond.

My aim is to give holistic advice with an individualised approach in assessing menopausal women, with particular reference to lifestyle, diet modification as well as discussing the role of HRT.

The new revolutionary advanced testing has helped hundreds of my clients regain control and have a better quality of life.

I am a fully trained practitioner who investigates the underlying causes of an intolerance as opposed to just treating the symptoms – ‘treat the cause not the symptom’

Lisa Keith

I dedicate my life to helping others achieve better health by continuously learning and sharing my knowledge.  My aim is to motivate and inspire others to lead a healthier happier life – one person at a time.

My unique testing procedure including intolerances, allergies, vitamin, mineral and gut health analysis offers a truly holistic solution and can transform your health and life.

Lisa Keith – Intolerance & Allergy Testing – Nutrition First+ Gut Health Specialist
Unique testing procedure
Unique testing procedure

I dedicate my life to helping others achieve better health by continuously learning and sharing my knowledge.  My aim is to motivate and inspire others to lead a healthier happier life – one person at a time.

My unique testing procedure including intolerances, allergies, vitamin, mineral and gut health analysis offers a truly holistic solution and can transform your health and life.

Lisa Keith – Intolerance & Allergy Testing – Nutrition First+ Gut Health Specialist