The Nutrition Gap

The term ‘Nutrition Gap’ first came into use in the 1990s as a way of describing the shortfall of essential nutrients that, for many reasons, was prevalent in the Western World.

Today, chronic disease afflicts 15 million people in the UK who are spending 20% of their lives in poor health due to what is described as a ‘global epidemic’.

Source: Cytoplan

heart shaped fruit bowl and stethoscope
Digestive health

Nutrient shortfalls are caused by a number of different factors including: diet, food intolerances (which also causes malabsorption of vitamins and minerals), food choices (processed foods over wholefoods), agriculture methods and the ability for the body to absorb these nutrients due to lifestyle factors such as smoking, stress, obesity, alcohol, medications and a sedentary lifestyle.

Poor digestive health may reduce our ability to absorb nutrients and, in most instances, the average Western diet is leaving us short of metabolically essential nutrients which is causing inadequate health and major health concerns.

Vitamin and Mineral Analysis

Studies show that even if your conventional blood tests for vitamin and minerals are within the ‘normal’ range, they may not be optimal for your general health including your physical, mental performance and longevity.  In some cases, normal ranges are created using a population that contain a significant number of healthy individuals, leading to ranges that don’t reflect a deficiency.  Furthermore, these reference ranges are different in every lab within every country.

Vitamin and Mineral Analysis

What is normal for other people may not be normal for you!