Welcome to my Services

Food Intolerance, Allergy, Vitamin and Mineral Analysis
The Gut to Brain
and Everything In-Between

  • 240 Foods / Drinks / E-numbers
  • 33 Vitamins and Minerals Analysed
  • 100+ Non-Food Allergens - see breakdown of services
  • Extensive gut health analysis - see breakdown of services
  • Candida (Yeast Overgrowth)
  • SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth)
  • Cortisol Test (Stress Hormone)
  • Nutritional Vitamin and Gut Health Guidance
  • Meal ideas and support group access
  • 95% Accurate
  • Nutritional Therapist support and guidance throughout elimination and thereafter
  • 112 Page book with help and guidance
  • Non-invasive (no bloods)
  • Not suitable for clients with a pacemaker

Option 1 - Advanced Test

All 500 testing components which identifies the root cause of many health concerns – £160

Option 2 - Standard Test

240 Foods with a selection of up to 15 additional testing components ranging from vitamins, hormones, gut health and allergens – £110

A health questionnaire will be sent to evaluate symptoms and medical history.  This will establish the level of testing required to get the best outcome from your consultation.
Tailored prices for under 5’s
Introductory offer until the end of November

Breakdown of services

Precision Full Body Analysis Breakdown

210 Foods / Drinks / E-numbers

A comprehensive range of carefully researched foods from past client data plus trusted scientific sources. To give you up-to date advice, a clear understanding of how foods interact with each other and the impact of food intolerances on the body.

30 Vitamins and Minerals Analysed

Many people have vitamin and mineral deficiencies that go undetected due to outdated laboratory levels mainly due to malabsorption of nutrients due to food intolerances, new agricultures methods, some medication and the nutrition gap


80 Environmental, airborne, chemicals, parabens, medicines, animals, insects, heavy metals, moulds, signature mixed tree and grass pollens allergens. Extensive investigations into allergy cross reactions with easy to understand information.

The Gut to Brain and Everything In-Between

Science-backed Extensive Gut Health Analysis – comprising of:

Digestive enzymes, gut bacteria; SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth), Candida (yeast overgrowth)

Hormone and neurotransmitter analysis; cortisol, serotonin, dopamine, melatonin, GABA, histamine and lots more.

Serotonin and GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) Neurotransmitters

Your happy hormone analysis with dietary and lifestyle advice

Histamine Analysis

Histamine is associated with common allergic responses such as hives, congestion, nausea, headaches, migraines, joint pain and IBS symptoms.  Guidance and solutions regarding the impact of excess histamine in the body

Candida Albicans (yeast overgrowth)

Candida Albicans is the most common cause of fungal infections in humans and can have lots of symptoms (that can mask as food intolerances) – dietary and supplement advice given

SIBO – Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

SIBO is a condition that occurs when an excessive number of bacteria colonise in the small intestine. It can cause bloating, diarrhoea or constipation, and is prevalent in clients with IBS – documentation included

Cortisol (Stress Hormone)

Cortisol is a naturally occurring steroid hormone responsible for lots of functions within the body.  It is often called the ‘stress hormone’ and is best known for its role in the ‘fight or flight’ response.  In these fast-paced times of uncertainty your body can release high levels of cortisol too frequently – this can negatively impact our whole being.  Testing, guidance and solutions provided.

All included within the Precision Full Body Analysis Package

Support and Guidance

  • Nutritional, Vitamin and Gut Health Guidance
  • Meal ideas, recipes and Facebook client support group
  • Additional bespoke health related testing upon request and further documentation
  • Tailored and personalised plan – based on results
  • Optional – weight loss advice with calories and macros calculated
  • 115-page A4 Book with your results including recommended foods, health related guidance, gut health analysis, vitamin and minerals suggestions through food sources and recommended supplements
  • Initial face to face consultation – 1 hour 15 minutes
  • 2 weeks of unscheduled support at start of your elimination, thereafter – weekly email/telephone for 12 weeks.
  • Consultation suggested 3 – 4 months after your initial test.

Additional Services

Hormone Analysis
  • No bloods are taken, this is to identify any imbalance in the body where conventional blood tests fail due to fluctuations in hormones.
  • Can be used to evaluate hormone status for women in the next chapter of their lives or women with a suspected hormone imbalance.
  • Oestrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Folic Stimulating Hormones (FSH Levels) and Luteinizing hormone (LH)
  • 40-page manual to help you on this new pathway of life, with advice on HRT, supplements, diet and lifestyle factors.
  • Cost – £40
  • Must be booked with the Precision Full Body Analysis Package to give you the right advice on allergens that may be contained in HRT and supplements.
  • Tailored pricing for basic hormone analysis

Testing procedures and content protected by Copyright Law

Testing procedures and content protected by Copyright Law